Walt Disney Records The Legacy Collection: Pocahontas

Walt Disney Records The Legacy Collection: Pocahontas

If I Never Knew You

The Fight

I'll Never See Him Again



Just Around the Riverbend

Mine, Mine, Mine

If I Never Knew You (Love Theme)

Pocahontas - Ratcliffe's Cabin (With Added Music)

Colors of the Wind

Steady as the Beating Drum (Main Title)

They Meet At the River's Edge

Going Ashore

Ratcliffe's Cabin

Walt Disney Records: The Legacy Collection

Colors of the Wind (End Title)

The Virginia Company

Disney's Pocahontas Ratcliffe's Cabin with Added Music


Epiphany/Savages (Part 2) (Alternate Version)

Just Around the Riverbend (Instrumental)

Thomas Reports

Unusual Name